Bautismo ( Baptism )
¿Listo para dar el siguiente paso? La Biblia dice que todos los cristianos en su profesión de fe, deben de ser bautizados (Mateo 28: 18-20).
Ya sea que haya estado siguiendo a Jesús durante mucho tiempo y nunca se haya bautizado o sea un nuevo cristiano, ¡nos honraría bautizarlo!
Llene este formulario y hazle saber al pastor o a su líder esta decisión que ha tomado. ¡Dios le bendiga, estamos orando por usted!
Ready to take the next step? The Bible says that all Christians in their profession of faith must be baptized (Matthew 28: 18-20).
Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and has never been baptized or are a new Christian, we would be honored to baptize you!
Fill this form out and let the Pastor or your leader know this decision you've made. God bless we're praying for you!
Ya sea que haya estado siguiendo a Jesús durante mucho tiempo y nunca se haya bautizado o sea un nuevo cristiano, ¡nos honraría bautizarlo!
Llene este formulario y hazle saber al pastor o a su líder esta decisión que ha tomado. ¡Dios le bendiga, estamos orando por usted!
Ready to take the next step? The Bible says that all Christians in their profession of faith must be baptized (Matthew 28: 18-20).
Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and has never been baptized or are a new Christian, we would be honored to baptize you!
Fill this form out and let the Pastor or your leader know this decision you've made. God bless we're praying for you!
Grupos Bíblicos ( Bible study groups )
Las reuniones de los grupos bíblicos son todos los Martes & Miércoles a las 7 p.m. Si usted por alguna razón no pudiera asistir en esos días, disponemos de otras opciones. Grupos biblicos se reúnen en otros días de la semana y allí podrá disfrutar de un plan de lectura bíblica para ofrecerle aliento y asi discutir lo que se está leyendo. Los grupos se reunirán en diferentes lugares de la ciudad cercanos a usted o en su mismo vecindario.
Si está interesado, use este formulario para encontrar un grupo bíblico adecuado para usted. Esperamos que pueda unirse a nosotros!
Joins us every Tuesday & Wednesday at 7 p.m. as we meet in small groups for Bible Study. If for some reason you could not attend on those days, we have other options. Small groups meet on other days of the week and there you can enjoy a biblical reading plan to offer encouragement and thus discuss what is being read. Our small groups meet in different parts of the city near you or in your own neighborhood.
If you are interested, use this form to find a suitable small group for you. We hope you can join us!
Si está interesado, use este formulario para encontrar un grupo bíblico adecuado para usted. Esperamos que pueda unirse a nosotros!
Joins us every Tuesday & Wednesday at 7 p.m. as we meet in small groups for Bible Study. If for some reason you could not attend on those days, we have other options. Small groups meet on other days of the week and there you can enjoy a biblical reading plan to offer encouragement and thus discuss what is being read. Our small groups meet in different parts of the city near you or in your own neighborhood.
If you are interested, use this form to find a suitable small group for you. We hope you can join us!